Impacting How The World Learns
We create exceptional eLearning and training content that prepares people and organizations for the job ahead.

Impacting How
The World Learns
We create exceptional eLearning and training content that prepares people and organizations for the job ahead.

Who we are.

We are expert animators, production specialists, editors, videographers, learning designers, and customer success mavens.
We love making the complex understandable and the bland beautiful. Because content that isn’t engaging isn’t effective for today’s learner.
We are a full-service video training production company serving our clients from concepting, learning design, scripting, voiceovers, and SME management—all the way to filming, post-production, and launch support.

Our Pricing Philosophy.
Everyone deserves better training, therefore training content should be as engaging and accessible as possible.
We work hard to deliver projects that people love to experience at a price leaders feel good about.
And NextThought is based in the great state of Oklahoma, which means you get exceptional quality but without the higher price tags of companies in larger markets.
We’re proud to serve clients across the US, Canada, the UK, and Asia. Because expertise, flexibility, and creativity are appreciated worldwide.
How we serve.